Why Are Instagram Highlights Important To Your Digital Marketing Plan


Every day I see so many important Instagram stories on businesses feeds that would be useful content for consumption in future scrolling. There are a few times that I have gone back to a business’ story because there was something that I saw to see if they saved it as a highlight, but that vital content disappeared because it was past 24 hours.

The Highlight buttons on your Instagram profile are an essential piece of your rented Instagram real estate. Think of these highlights as a landing page for all of the aspects that your business offers. If you are stumped on what types of highlights to create, begin with each category that you have on your website. Give people a taste of all of the products or services that your business has to offer.

As business owners, we already have so much content that we create that should resemble our brands. The good news is that not all Instagram story slides need to be branded.

The point of stories is for people to get a peek into who you are and what goes on behind the scenes at your business. If you are creating content that you know is important and that you are going to want to save into one of your highlights, take the time to brand this content. There are plenty of free story slide design apps where you can create on-brand templates.

My challenge to you is, start thinking about your overall Instagram profile as a landing page for your website ore commerce store. Social media is quickly becoming the second place where potential consumers and clients search for things to buy, places to order food from, or places close to them to visit. Moreover, users consume stories and highlights at a higher percentage than items in your feed.