Must Love Media Kits

media kit




Media Kit. Two words that create a big punch.

What is a media kit you might ask? Well it's a multi-page document that businesses use to promote themselves and sell their services to potential clients. 

Who uses a media kit? Traditionally media kits have been used for magazine publication, but they've evolved into something that is beneficial for everyone to bloggers, photographers, writers, designers and other small businesses in between. Basically this document is a resume for your business, a way of describing who you are when you are unable to meet in person. 

Do you offer services or advertising in your business model? Then you for sure are in need of a media kit. The media kit is a great tool because it essentially gives potential clients all of the information they could possibly need in one easy to navigate document while often cutting  correspondence time in half because it’s already answered most of their questions.

Media kits can be formatted to market nearly any business. Whether you’re a blogger, writer, photographer or designer, a media kit is simply a way to explain what you offer in a streamlined, informative document. The easier you can make it for your clients to understand what you’re offering and how to book you, the more successful your business has the potential to be.

Below are the Six Things that MUST be included in your media kit.

Media Kit Must Haves

I'm not going to lie this is a very time consuming document to create but I promise you that it will be the most important document in your arsenal.  



You Are A Badass

you are a badass

There is one book that I ask every woman business owner that I meet if they have read, the book, "You Are A Badass" by Jen Sincero. If they tell me they haven't read it I tell them to get a copy right now.

The truth is this book changed my life. There I was fired from my Chicago job, and 3 months into living in my parents basement in Wisconsin and one day I saw the bright yellow cover on a Target run and spent $15 I really shouldn't have on it.  

I had not lived in my hometown for 16 years. But there I was heart broken, living on my Etsy income and wondering what the fuck am I going to do to get out of this basement.  For seven years I had been coming out to Portland to visit my friend and each time I would visit we would say how awesome it would be if I would just move here. But those were the days when I was in Chicago, living the life with a man that I loved and thought loved me back. Wrong. First we broke up, devastating. Two years later I was fired from my job and I took the universes cues that it was high time to get the hell out of Chicago. Besides my friends there wasn't anything left for me there. Chicago had literally broken me. 

From reading the book I learned that everything you want you are completely capable of achieving, it's changing your thinking. And changing your thinking is fucking hard. You have to do all this work of getting to know your real self, deal with your demons and what it is  that is truly holding you back from living the life you want.  You see a lot of scary stuff when you start unlocking your subconscious and start to get over the fear of not knowing all the scary stuff that's on the other side. But you begin to gain confidence and trust in yourself, because sub consciously you already know how it's going to turn out and it isn't going to be that scary, the universe won't let it be that scary.

Every night while getting ready for bed in the basement bathroom I would tell the universe what I wanted, " I want to live in Portland, Oregon" "I want to run a social media management business as my job" "I want an apartment with big windows that let in a lot of natural light" I wrote it on post it notes, I told anyone that would listen and said it over and over in my head until finally eight months later my pod was packed with the things I couldn't bear to sell, my car was gassed up to drive across the country and it became "I live in Portland, Oregon" "I run a social media management business" and "I have a some what natural light filled apartment" .

We as humans are capable of greatness, we weren't put on this planet to schlep off to work a 9-5 job and pay bills. Each of us has a purpose, a calling, a greatness. The hardest part is figuring out what yours is.

The other night I got to meet Jen at a book talk for her new book "You Are A Badass At Making Money". Of course I have the book, right now I'm not that far into it but I will tell you all about it once I finish.  While I was chatting with her as she signed my copy I told her the Cliff Notes version of my story and that my new mantra is "Six Figures By 40" the smile that came across her face was priceless. She asked me how old I was now, and after I told her in all seriousness she said "You got this girl" and fist bumped me. Is she supposed to say things like that, absolutely she's a life coach and a self help book writer, however I see what I've accomplished in only a little over a year and know with some guidance and more work at my "spiritual gym" I will unlock my true greatness, my real calling. Seriously though go read the book, because we are all badasses. 



Tips to Combat Low Instagram Engagement

Low Instagram Engagement



Have your engagement and likes been down for awhile now? Are you frustrated? Yeah, me too, and I have six accounts and bosses that I answer too.

The official word is that there was a bug in the explore tab. Supposedly it's been fixed however engagement and likes are still down, all over the platform. Instagram is also testing their spam algorithm to start cracking down on bot commenters and spam accounts that are posting 5x per day or using 3rd party services.

Here are some ways to combat the engagement icky's:

1. Add hashtags back at the end of the caption. I know, I don't like how it looks either BUT it seems to be helping.

2. Change up your hashtags. Last week I spent most of the week reworking a second and third set of hashtags for clients that we are rotating through.

3. Stop using the uber popular hashtags and start using some with less than 50k posts to them for the time being.

4. Interact with the people that are still with you and finding you. Likes and follows don't necessarily lead to sales. Positive relationships and experiences lead to sales, which lead to more customers which leads to word of mouth and more network marketing.

5. Start storying more. Show people that your life is more than a well styled stiff square image.

6. Work on building that email list. I know I know, it's on your list but way at the bottom. However with this plummet of engagement it's just a red flag that you should probably be doing more, getting directly in front of your niche.  

Do you have any tips that have been working for you during an engagement drought?

Instagram Live

I talk a bunch to my clients about how important Instagram Live is and that they should be doing it.  While there I sit not having done one yet. Well that changed a few days ago, I was working at The Society Hotel and decided to head up to the roof and film one quick as a promo type video for the Instagram workshop later this month.  

With the recent update Instagram did I was able to save the Live video and place it here as well as on the Facebook page. I love the internet, and now be aware I will be Live a bit more often. Gotta practice what I preach after all. 

Instagram Workshop For Your Business

"I've been a small business for 6 years. If I didn't understand how to compose great photos I would not still be in business. I actually arrange my work flow around good photo content. Social media + good photos = sell things." Tamara Young Consign Couture

Portland Instagram Workshop



Just like every business owner, every business is different, and their social media feed should reflect that. When I first sign on a client, sometimes their Instagram feeds just need another pair of eyes.   Which is totally acceptable because not everyone is born a photographer or a marketer.  If they are a client that lives near me, we grab a coffee and we talk photography basics,  how to get the best photo, how to to up their hashtag and engagement game. 

All of this perked an idea in me, why not team up and ask my "staff" brand photographer that I use for all the website revamps to teach a workshop on how to get a killer social media photo with just your phone.  I pitched her and she said yes, so here it is a two part workshop happening in April at my favorite work from space The Society Hotel.  

In week one brand photographer Ashley Courter will teach you photography basics and assign you some homework. In week two I will help you with your homework and help your business with industry specific hashtags and tips on how to build an authentic following which will turn likes into sales. 

There are still spots available, sign up via the workshop tab.  Come enjoy lattes, wine, snacks all while learning to level up your businesses Instagram game. 

Instagram Spam Comments

In my efforts to stop the Instagram commenting bots and attempting to get social media back on track of actually being social I'm about to drop a tiny bit of knowledge on you.  

You know those annoying spam comments you get right after you post a picture that you've worked really hard on achieving the perfect lighting as well as the perfect caption. You load it and press share, then right away you get a comment, part of you is so excited, it's only been 20 seconds since you posted your hashtags and someone is commenting on your well thought out post. Then you click the comment and it's "Want more followers" or "Like for Like" or my personal favorite "Wow check out my page" and disappointment and annoyance sets in.

Well I'm here to help you with this, you can deter the bot comments and here's how. 

Settings>Comments>Turn On Inappropriate Comments> Type in your custom keywords>Done

It's that easy! Now how are you going to do your part in keeping social media actually social?

Facebook vs. Instagram Marketing

Facebook Instagram Marketing

The question that I get asked the most often is, "Should I be concentrating my marketing efforts on Instagram or Facebook?" 

Which I volley back to you as a business, do you know exactly who your target market is? Second what is the median age of your target market?  Once you have the answer to both of these questions, then you can decide which platform is better to focus on.

The truth is one isn't better than the other, it only depends on who exactly you are targeting. 

We all remember the good old days of Facebook when you didn't have to pay more than $5 to get in front of your target market. When you just had to run a relatively generic Facebook ad and it flooded your page with Likes, comments and customers.  Well, we all know that now you have to  pay to play, you have to narrow down who sees you  almost as if you had the ideals customers DNA profile to get in front of the the people that you were trying to reach. 

I get it that's why businesses jumped the Facebook ship and moved to Instagram, because Instagram is how Facebook used to be, except things over there are changing as well and eventually you will need to start paying to play there as well.  Let's face it Facebook owns both platforms. 

There isn't a simple one stop shop answer if you should be on Instagram or Facebook. The method to the madness is this, you have to know exactly who, you are targeting, their age,  their income, what they think is cool, are they more visual or do they prefer to read? Once this is established then it's as if it's written in the stars which platform you should be focusing your marketing energies on.  You do however have my personal permission to just start with one.  Sign up to get the same user name across the platforms but focus on one.

If you were to Google any of the above listed social media platform’s demographics, you will see up-to-date information on who is using each platform, including their age, gender, average annual income, and even their education level. Obviously with that sort of information you could begin to narrow down the options and choose the platform that you think will work best for you.


If this all this research and statistic reading sounds confusing to you then let's set up a free 30 minute consultation to discuss if you need Facebook or Instagram marketing efforts. 

Together: A Bosslady Conference

Finalizing everything for my presentation this week at the Together: A Boss Lady Experience that is happening this week in Portland! Because helping you to keep your social media actually social is my new jam. Can't wait to network with a bunch of other ladypreneurs. Until then I'll share my promo video, but you've got to wait for the outtake at the end. 

PSA: Stop the Bots

This is a public request to ALL PEOPLE USING BOTS TO COMMENT ON INSTRAGRAM: Please stop. Just stop. Right now. Not only is it annoying but it can be incredibly insensitive, hurtful and properly out of line.

Please for the love of all things good, stop paying to use bots to comment on Instagram.  I know I know you don't have time to comment and interact. Seriously I'm here to tell you that you do. Block off an hour on your calendar to personally interact on posts.  Using bots makes you and your brand look bad.  It makes Instagram look bad. It makes HUMANS in general look bad. And it's just lazy, shady, shallow and sad.

A colleague in one of my Facebook groups had this to say after she posted a photo with a link to her blog post about her miscarriage on Instagram:

"This week I published a blog post about my miscarriage. I posted on Instagram linking to the blog. Some of the comments I got were DEFINITELY from bots. This kind of post is not the kind to be commenting ‘More of this please!’ (more miscarriages?) or ‘Brilliant!’ (really?) or 'very nice!' (stopit) or 'please check out my feed!' (Thanks but no thanks). I’ve deleted most of them, but not before I politely messaged each commenter and told them what their bots were doing." Emma Whiley  Flourish and Dwell

Seriously, let's make a conscious effort to keep social media actually social. Stop paying your bots and start scheduling your authentic interacting on Instagram time. 

What is a brand?

"A brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that taken together, account for a consumers decision to choose one service over another." Seth Godin

Here's the deal, sales go up and down but service stays forever in the mind of the consumer.  That my friends is something that I learned in that fine Freshman year class Marketing 101.  Some of the best brands offer some of the best service. Coincidence? I think not. Are you engaging with your customers, or are you just reading comments and hyperventilating over how many hearts you get?  The correct answer is engage, engage then engage more!

The Ace Hotel is one of my favorite brands. Their feeds are consistent and goes hand in hand with their mission and values. 

"Ace Hotel is a collection of individuals — multiple and inclusive, held together by an affinity for the soulful. We are not here to reinvent the hotel, but to readdress its conventions to keep them fresh, energized, human. We accept the hotel as a potential for real, fluid community. We believe that hospitality is compassion, that it is not servility but genuine concern for others' well-being and the ability to live with empathy." 

Each one of their hotels is an individual entity because they belong in a unique buildings, but they all have the same feel when you walk into them. The feeling of the beginning of a story that is unique to your vacation, staycation or happy hour glass of wine that you enjoy there.

Want more tips, let's set up a free consultation and set your brand on fire.