
What is a brand?

"A brand is a set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that taken together, account for a consumers decision to choose one service over another." Seth Godin

Here's the deal, sales go up and down but service stays forever in the mind of the consumer.  That my friends is something that I learned in that fine Freshman year class Marketing 101.  Some of the best brands offer some of the best service. Coincidence? I think not. Are you engaging with your customers, or are you just reading comments and hyperventilating over how many hearts you get?  The correct answer is engage, engage then engage more!

The Ace Hotel is one of my favorite brands. Their feeds are consistent and goes hand in hand with their mission and values. 

"Ace Hotel is a collection of individuals — multiple and inclusive, held together by an affinity for the soulful. We are not here to reinvent the hotel, but to readdress its conventions to keep them fresh, energized, human. We accept the hotel as a potential for real, fluid community. We believe that hospitality is compassion, that it is not servility but genuine concern for others' well-being and the ability to live with empathy." 

Each one of their hotels is an individual entity because they belong in a unique buildings, but they all have the same feel when you walk into them. The feeling of the beginning of a story that is unique to your vacation, staycation or happy hour glass of wine that you enjoy there.

Want more tips, let's set up a free consultation and set your brand on fire.