Content Marketing

Don't Panic Over Social Media Shifts - Focus on Creating Great Content

Many coaches and influencers are panicking as Instagram, Meta, TikTok, and other platforms implement major changes. But the solution isn't complaining - it's adapting your strategy and doubling down on creating exceptional content that truly connects with your audience..."

Let's address the elephant on the social streets- where people are losing their minds over the Instagram Algorithm changes, the meta-verified shenanigans, and the eventual demise of TikTok. 

As with all big changes, it highlights and separates the business, marketing, and coaches based on their reactions. What you're seeing right now is how long these people have been in business.  

I could go off on a tangent here, but I promise I'm not going to. I'm going to make this helpful for you.

The bitching and complaining come directly from people who are “newer” and have put all of their marketing efforts into one basket. That basket could be Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or whatever your social platform of choice is here.

I'm seeing how business owners understand marketing and social media as a whole. Here's what I mean….

Since the beginning of the Facebook business page in November 2007, we have been incredibly blessed as business owners. We've had a place for our business to connect with others on social media for FREE. And then, when Instagram went from iPhone only to all other phones in April 2012, we were extra blessed with an additional FREE void to shout into about our businesses. 

So, it's fascinating that most people are shocked to learn that they might need to pay to play- because it seems a bit overdue.

When I took my first marketing classes, Facebook was for college students only, and businesses needed to pay physical and expensive marketing and advertising expenses. E-commerce—wtf was that? To "succeed," a business needed signage, advertising in newspapers, radio, TV, and direct mail to gain traction. All of that with no real way to test and track its return on investment.

It was expensive back in the 1900’s to reach people because you had to do actual advertising. To understand this better, in this day and age, do you know what 10M views on TikTok are worth in paid media? Based on Tok's $10 CPM (Cost Per Mille), aka Impressions average, it's about $100,000, and there are people who are getting that for FREE. 

I'm sorry to jump platform talk, but I need to give you an idea of how this exactly plays out in the paid world today.

Because my next point is that organic content is still alive. With this new Instagram algorithm update and the Meta updates that are expanding to other countries, and eventually the US, people are freaking out that to be seen; they are going to have to pay. I don't believe this to be true as of right now, and here's why- I don't believe that organic is going anywhere. The primary goal of social media platforms is for many people to disassociate and spend lots of time on the platform to keep their advertisers happy.

If there aren't people on the platforms, scrolling along and wasting their days, there are no advertisers.

If the platforms only showed paid content from mediocre creators, people would abandon them in mass, which would lead to less revenue for the platform.

Because once again remember, you are running a business on another business. 

Your feeds won't be overrun with junk ads, as that wouldn't be in the users' best interest. So, the rules essentially stay the same: the best content wins.

The Meta Verified isn't going to change that once it gets to the US. 

Producing great organic content will gain exposure.  I get that it feels like sometimes you have to create 100 shitty pieces of content before something sticks but you do have the luxury of figuring out by looking at your analytics monthly what content your community wants from you. 

But with all of these changes and "challenges" happening, it's more important than ever to figure out what is working. Be in more than one place. Build your email list. Focus on the following you already have. Provide exceptional service.

The most important thing of them all is to connect with human beings. 

Keep Learning. Stay Consistent and get creative.

The Entertainer’s Advantage: Winning The Social Media Battle For Attention

Each spring, I teach a four-part social media series for business owners through the SBDC I also consult at. Almost every time, a similar question is asked when we begin to discuss what kind of content to produce: “Does content need to be entertaining to get the scroll stopped?”

Before I share my perspective on this, let's consider a thought-provoking question: What underlying motivations lead someone to open their favorite social media app and begin to scroll?

  1. Connection and Belonging: Humans crave connection and a sense of belonging at our core. Social media provides a virtual space where we can interact with others, share our thoughts and experiences, and feel part of a community. Whether reconnecting with old friends, joining interest-based groups, or simply feeling heard and validated by others, social media fulfills our innate need for social connection.

  2. Self-Expression and Identity: Social media platforms offer a canvas for self-expression and identity exploration. We carefully curate our profiles, share glimpses of our lives, and express our opinions and beliefs. This ability to craft our online personas and present ourselves to the world in a specific way can be empowering and addictive.

  3. Information and Entertainment: Social media is a vast repository of information and entertainment. From breaking news and viral trends to memes and funny videos, these platforms provide constant content that keeps us engaged and informed. The fear of missing out (FOMO) on the latest updates or viral sensations can be a powerful motivator to stay connected.

  4. Validation and Approval: Social media has become a source of validation and approval in the digital age. We measure our self-worth by the number of likes, comments, and followers we accumulate. The dopamine hit we experience when our content receives positive engagement can be highly addictive, driving us to seek more and more validation from our online peers.

  5. Distraction: Some people use social media to avoid or escape negative emotions like sadness, anxiety, loneliness, etc. Immersing themselves in the online world provides a temporary distraction from confronting difficult internal feelings.

Understanding why people tap into their social media app of choice is the first hurdle in creating content that will get your community to pay attention to what you are putting out there.

User Attention Is A Precious Commodity

Mastering the art of creating attention-grabbing posts is crucial for any brand or individual looking to stand out, and where the question “Does all content need to be entertaining?” is a YES.

Scroll back up and re-read numbers 1, 3, and 5. Social media is a form of escapism for the user, who logs on to be entertained and distracted from dealing with whatever is happening in their real life. This could be waiting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, in the pickup line at their child's school, or dealing with some emotional news they just received.

Here are some practical tips to help you craft content that stops the scroll and commands audience engagement:

  1. Know Your Audience: Before embarking on any content creation journey, it's essential to have a deep understanding of your target audience. What are their interests, pain points, and preferences? Tailoring your content to resonate with your audience will significantly increase its effectiveness.

  2. Use Visuals Wisely: Visual content is more likely to capture attention than plain text. Incorporate eye-catching images, videos, and infographics to make your posts visually appealing and engaging. Ensure that your visuals are high-quality and relevant to your message.

  3. Spark Emotions: Emotions have a powerful impact on human behavior. To connect with your audience on a deeper level, try content that evokes emotions such as joy, surprise, humor, or inspiration. Emotional posts are more likely to be shared and resonate with users- an example of this is dog videos.

  4. Ask Questions and Encourage Interaction: Encourage audience interaction by asking questions in your posts. People love to share their opinions and experiences, so prompting them to engage with your content through comments, likes, or shares can boost your post's visibility and reach.

  5. Keep It Concise and Scannable: We are dealing with a 3.5-second attention span, and users have short attention spans. Keep your posts concise, clear, and scannable to make it easy for users to consume your content quickly. Use bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs to make your posts visually appealing and easy to read.

  6. Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to maintaining audience engagement on social media. Develop a content calendar and schedule posts regularly to keep your audience interested and coming back for more. Experiment with different content formats and track the performance of your posts to refine your strategy over time.

You can effectively command their attention amidst the endless scroll by prioritizing entertaining and emotionally resonant content tailored to your specific audience's preferences. Remember, social media is often an escape or a source of connection for users, so crafting content that fulfills those core desires is key.

Continuously experiment and analyze what resonates most with your community. Embrace visuals, spark emotions, encourage interactions, and maintain consistency. Success on social media requires a delicate balance of strategic planning and an innate understanding of what truly captivates your audience.

Ultimately, the ability to stop the scroll lies in your capacity to create content that entertains, informs, and resonates on a profound level. Master this art; you'll unlock a powerful connection with your audience, fortifying your brand's online presence and driving meaningful engagement. In the realm of social media, the scroll never stops, but with the right approach, you can become the highlight they pause for.

Let's chat if you need help on how exactly your business can achieve entertaining online.

Location, Location, Location: Why It's So Important For Physical Businesses To Geotag Instagram Posts

Here’s a secret you may or may not know about me: when I’m traveling or about to travel, I search the location of where I’m going on Instagram to see what’s out there. I scroll to see what shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and natural things are attached to the Geo/Location tag of where I am going.

And I notice that what so many businesses forget to do is add a geotag to their posts. This means that they are missing out on the out-of-towners like me who do this same thing to plan where they want to go or where they want to eat.

Instagram geotags are digital markers that offer endless possibilities, from exploring new destinations to optimizing your road trip adventures. Read on for a journey into the world of geotagging and start shaping your next unforgettable adventure.

What are Instagram Geo Tags and How They Work

Instagram Geo Tags are a powerful feature that allows users to add a specific location to their posts, providing a geotag for each photo or video shared on the platform. This function enables users to tag the exact place where the content was created, adding an exciting layer of location-based information to their posts.

Understanding Instagram Geo Tags

  1. Location Tagging: Instagram Geo Tags associate your post with a specific place on the map. This can range from a famous landmark to a local restaurant or even a hidden gem off the beaten path.

  2. Creating Connections: By tagging your posts with Geo Tags, you can connect with other users who have been to or are interested in the location. This can lead to new friendships, travel recommendations, and shared experiences.

  3. Discovery Tool: Geo Tags also serve as a discovery tool for users exploring new places. By searching for a specific location tag, users can uncover many posts related to that place, offering insights, inspiration, and practical tips for their journeys.

  4. Personalization: Instagram Geo Tags add a personal touch to your posts, allowing you to share the content and the exact place where you captured the moment. This creates a more immersive experience for your followers, connecting them to your adventures.

How Geo Tags Work

  1. Feature Integration: Instagram seamlessly integrates Geo Tags into the post-creation process, allowing users to add a location directly before sharing their content.

  2. Manual Input: Users can manually type in the location they wish to tag or choose from a list of suggested places generated by the platform based on their current location or past tagging history.

  3. Privacy Control: Instagram offers privacy settings that allow users to control who can see the location tags on their posts, ensuring that sensitive or private locations remain secure.

  4. Mapping Feature: Geo Tags have a mapping feature that displays the tagged location on a map within the post, giving viewers a visual reference of the content's creation.

Advantages of Using Geo Tags

  • Enhanced Discoverability: Geotags increase the visibility of your posts to users searching for content related to specific locations, expanding your reach and engagement.

  • Personalized Recommendations: By exploring posts tagged with specific locations, users can discover new destinations, restaurants, attractions, and accommodations recommended by fellow travelers.

  • Community Engagement: Geo Tags foster a sense of community among users who share a love for travel and exploration, enabling them to connect, share tips, and form valuable connections.

By searching for location-based tagging related to their intended destinations, individuals can explore new places, gather travel inspiration, and create a comprehensive travel itinerary. Whether finding hidden gems, trending spots, or off-the-beaten-path attractions, geotags provide valuable insights into various travel destinations.

One of the key advantages of incorporating Instagram geotags into trip planning is the ability to maximize road trip stops. Using geotags, travelers can identify scenic viewpoints, local eateries, cultural landmarks, and photo-worthy spots along their routes. This enriches the travel experience and ensures every step contributes to a memorable and fulfilling journey.

Why Your Business Needs To Begin Geotagging

  1. Enhancing Local Visibility

Establishing a strong local presence is often crucial for small businesses to attract customers. Geotags allow you to tag your location when posting on Instagram, making it easier for users in your area to discover your content. When users search for posts or stories tagged in a specific location, yours could be among the top results, thus increasing your visibility within your community.

2. Building Community Engagement

Geotags are more than just a feature; they're a direct line to your local community. By tagging your location, you can tap into conversations and events in your area, fostering relationships with nearby businesses and potential customers. This direct connection with your community increases engagement. It builds brand loyalty, as users who frequent or are interested in your locality are likelier to engage with your content, leading to increased likes, comments, and, ultimately, brand loyalty.

3. Showcasing Authenticity and Trustworthiness

Standing out with authenticity is paramount in a market saturated with advertisements and sponsored content. Geotags provide a unique advantage by adding credibility to your posts by verifying your physical presence in a specific location. This authenticity resonates with consumers, as they perceive businesses with a genuine local presence as trustworthy and reliable. By showcasing your physical location through geotags, you're not just promoting your products or services but also telling a story about your roots and commitment to your community.

4. Targeting Relevant Audiences

Geotags offer a powerful targeting tool, allowing you to reach audiences based on their location. Whether you're hosting an event, running a promotion, or want to attract foot traffic to your storefront, geotagging enables you to target users within a specific radius of your business. This targeted approach ensures that your content reaches the most relevant audience, maximizing the impact of your marketing efforts and driving conversions.

5. Improving SEO and Discoverability

In addition to enhancing visibility within the Instagram platform, geotags can benefit your overall online presence. When users search for local businesses or attractions on search engines like Google, geotagged Instagram posts may appear in the results, thus improving your SEO ranking and increasing discoverability. By consistently geotagging your posts, you can boost your chances of being found by potential customers on and off the Instagram platform.

Geotags on Instagram offer many benefits for small businesses looking to expand their reach and engage with their local community and travelers looking for unique experiences while visiting a location.

From enhancing visibility and authenticity to targeting relevant audiences and improving SEO, geotagging is a valuable tool that should not be overlooked in your social media marketing strategy. By harnessing the power of geotags, small businesses can amplify their presence, foster meaningful connections, and ultimately drive growth in their local market.

So, next time you post on Instagram, remember to geotag your business's location and watch your business thrive in the digital landscape.

Are Hashtags Still Relevant? A Social Media Manager's Perspective on Navigating Instagram's Discoverability Landscape

One of the frequently asked questions I get every time the Q&A part of a presentation happens always includes hashtags and their relevancy. The ideal number of hashtags is constantly changing but what I am finding interesting lately is how search words are being implemented more and more into Instagram.

About a month ago, I was posting to clients' feeds and inserting the hashtags, and I got a warning from Instagram that I had reached the hashtag limit, but I had only typed 5 in. It is very interesting to me, which makes me believe more and more that the future of getting discovered and searched involves implementing more search words into your posts.

Adapting to Instagram's Search Revolution:

Instagram's focus on improving search functionality and refining its algorithm has been evident. With features like keyword search and Explore tab enhancements, the platform has taken steps towards offering users a more personalized and expansive content discovery experience.

For years, hashtags have been our go-to strategy for boosting visibility and fostering engagement. They've been instrumental in helping us categorize content, reach broader audiences, and cultivate communities around shared interests.

Finding Harmony Between SEO and Hashtags:

While Instagram SEO represents a paradigm shift in how content is discovered on the platform, it doesn't spell the end of hashtags. Instead, it introduces a new dimension to our approach that complements rather than replaces our tried-and-tested hashtag strategies.

Here's how I'm navigating the intersection of Instagram SEO and hashtags:

  1. Strategic Keyword Integration: I'm embracing Instagram SEO by strategically incorporating relevant keywords into captions, bios, and content descriptions. This helps align our content with user search queries on the explore tab and improve its discoverability.

  2. Harnessing the Power of Hashtags: Hashtags remain integral to our content strategy. I am currently in a test phase; I have not been using hashtags on Maven & Muse Media posts but continue to use them on clients' feeds to target specific communities, amplify reach, and foster engagement. The sweet spot is combining keyword optimization with strategic hashtag usage, which is maximizing content's visibility and appeal.

  3. Content Relevance as a guiding force: Instagram SEO and hashtags prioritize content relevance. I'm focused on delivering content that resonates with the audience's interests and preferences. By staying true to the business's brand voice and consistently delivering value, we increase the chances of appearing in search results and users' feeds.

Striking the Right Balance:

Balance is critical in our journey to navigate Instagram's evolving discoverability landscape. We don't view Instagram SEO and hashtags as competing strategies but rather as complementary tools in our toolkit.

Here are some actionable insights from our experience:

  1. Stay Updated: Keep up to date on Instagram's updates and changes in search functionality to adapt your strategy accordingly. Subscribing to the Maven Movement email is a great way to begin.

  2. Experiment: Testing is one of the things you need to get used to doing when it comes to marketing. Try different keyword combinations and hashtag sets that apply to you, gauge their effectiveness, and refine your approach.

  3. Measure and Adjust: Use Instagram analytics to track the performance of your content, paying attention to engagement metrics, audience demographics, and trends in keyword searches and hashtag usage. If you aren’t, it’s time to become besties with your analytics and check in with them at least weekly.

My goal remains unchanged: to help you authentically connect with your community and drive meaningful engagement. When you embrace both Instagram SEO and hashtags, we're navigating the ever-changing landscape of discoverability and unlocking new opportunities for growth and connection on the platform. If you’ve hit your social media posting limit and want some fresh ideas let’s chat.

Marketing Lessons from 90s Country Songs: Crafting Compelling Campaigns with Heartfelt Storytelling

You start scrolling your way, I start scrolling mine, and we meet in the middle. 

I have a secret: on days when inspiration and words aren't flowing, I turn on a 90s Country playlist.

Why 90's Country, you ask—well, it's because marketing is all about feelings and storytelling.

And no one does feelings, feelings, and storytelling better than 90's country songs.

The future of marketing is getting back to relating to someone's heart. The content that is performing well right now as I write this is uncurated and real.


Because it's relatable and attainable- it speaks to someone's heart and creates a feeling.

Together, let's analyze 90s country songs that can offer insights into various aspects of marketing, including messaging, branding, storytelling, and emotional appeal. Here are some lessons we can learn.

  1. Emotional Connection: 90s country songs often emphasize storytelling and evoke strong emotions. Similarly, effective marketing campaigns should aim to create emotional connections with the audience, whether it's through nostalgia, empathy, or shared values.

  2. Authenticity: Many 90s country songs portray authentic, relatable everyday life experiences. Authenticity in marketing builds trust and credibility with consumers. Brands that convey honesty and sincerity in their messaging are more likely to resonate with their target audience.

  3. Know Your Audience: Country music artists understood their audience well and crafted songs that spoke directly to their experiences and values. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns are tailored to resonate with specific target demographics, understanding their needs, preferences, and cultural context.

  4. Brand Storytelling: Country songs are often rich in storytelling, painting vivid pictures of characters and situations. Effective marketing campaigns use storytelling to engage and captivate audiences, creating memorable brand narratives that consumers can connect with on a deeper level.

  5. Simplicity and Clarity: Many 90s country songs convey their message with simple, straightforward lyrics that are easy to understand. In marketing, clear and concise messaging is key to effectively communicating a product's or service's benefits to consumers.

  6. Universal Themes: Despite focusing on specific themes like love, heartbreak, and small-town life, 90s country songs often address universal human experiences. Similarly, successful marketing campaigns usually tap into universal themes and emotions that resonate across diverse audiences. The great philosopher Alison Krauss says best: "Old Mr. Webster could never define what's being said between your heart and mine."

  7. Consistency: Country music artists often maintained a consistent image and sound throughout their careers, building a loyal fan base over time. Similarly, brands benefit from consistency in their messaging, visual identity, and customer experience, which helps to reinforce brand recognition and loyalty.

  8. Adaptability: While rooted in tradition, country music evolved to stay relevant to changing audience tastes and cultural trends. Similarly, successful marketing strategies must adapt to new technologies, consumer behaviors, and market dynamics to effectively reach and engage target audiences. The times are changing in marketing. Gone are the days of the overly masculine "Buy this, it will change your life," and entering is the softness of the feminine and speaking to the heart. 

If you're feeling stuck, search for a 90s country playlist. Listen to a few songs and pay attention to the themes, stories, and strategies in the songs. Can you see what they are describing in your mind's eye while dancing around your kitchen? Try these valuable insights to craft compelling campaigns that resonate with consumers and drive meaningful connections with their brands. Like a timeless country ballad, the best marketing campaigns can touch hearts and stand the test of time.

And if you're still stuck, it's time for us to meet up. 

Ain't no scroll to a long- cause we meet in the middle. 

Engaging Swifties: Harnessing the Power of User Generated Content for Marketing

From a Vlogger Songwriter- to a Global Pop Icon, the rise of Taylor Swift is an awe-inspiring story. But who I am more enchanted with right now is the one driving force behind her continuous success- her devoted fanbase - the Swifties.

So how does user-generated content from Swifties help Taylor Swift's marketing plans? Uncover the answers and learn why you can't afford to shake off the power of UGC anymore.  

Exploring the Role of User-Generated Content in Taylor Swift's Marketing Strategies

User-generated content (UGC) plays a pivotal role in Taylor Swift's marketing strategies, acting as a potent force that engages her dedicated fanbase known as "Swifties" and amplifies the reach of her brand. With millions of followers worldwide and across various social media platforms, Swift has successfully leveraged UGC to foster a sense of community among her fans and drive awareness, loyalty, and sales.

First, let’s clarify what User-Generated content is- User-generated content refers to any form of content – including images, videos, reviews, or testimonials – created by fans or consumers rather than directly by the brand. When harnessed effectively and integrated into marketing campaigns, UGC can create a powerful symbiotic relationship between any fans and the brand. The key here is that you do not need to be a celebrity to use this strategy.

One key aspect is understanding the psychology behind why UGC is so influential. People have an innate desire to be seen and heard, to feel like they are part of something greater than themselves. Love her or hate her, Taylor is the GOAT when it comes to Digital Marketing-nails this in the specific details in her storytelling lyrics AND how she moves through the social media hallways. Her lyrics and posts are vulnerable, and whether they are true or not, they are authentic to whatever story she tells.

This is what the halls of social media are craving lately; they want to know how they no longer want to be sold, a quick fix, or solutions they want to be a part of a community. People are craving to be seen and to be heard. This community aspect is currently what’s missing on all social media platforms- and where most business owners’ marketing is falling short.

By encouraging fans to create content related to Taylor Swift - fan art, covers of her songs, outfits inspired by song lyrics or even personal stories about how she has impacted their lives - Taylor taps into this fundamental human need for expression and validation. Meaning to or not, Taylor has created and holds space on social platforms for others to open themselves up to their vulnerability online to show that it’s ok for the next person to be open and discuss and post about their vulnerability.

So as a business owner, what can you learn from this concept of incorporating content from your fan base?

The advantage for business owners to begin enforcing UGC in their marketing strategy lies in the organic nature of user-generated content. This type of content provides an avenue for authentic engagement with consumers while also serving as valuable organic social proof for potential customers considering purchasing their products or services.

Swifties UGC's impact on Taylor's marketing efforts cannot be ignored- the strategies foster authenticity by showcasing real people who genuinely love and engage with her music; it transforms passive consumers into active participants; it builds trust through peer recommendations rather than overt advertising messages; and most importantly for business owners to take notice looking for insights into digital marketing strategies – it generates organic buzz which translates into increased visibility online.

Understanding the Impact of Social Media on Taylor Swift's Branding

Social media has undeniably played a significant role in shaping many artists' branding and marketing strategies, including Taylor Swift. As one of the most successful and influential musicians in recent years, Swift's brand has been carefully crafted to align with her persona and resonate with her audience –The "Swifties." These loyal fans have become integral to her marketing strategy by creating user-generated content (UGC) that promotes her music and strengthens her brand image.

Fans connect through platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Discord and TikTok while celebrating their shared love for all things Taylor- and there are times when Taylor (or her team) has responded and reposted Swifties content. We all know when someone takes the time to respond to a tag/mention or repost on social media, it makes us all feel seen- which keeps people invested and coming back to support you. The beautiful and one of my favorite things about Social Media- is that it allows for direct interaction between artists and fans, creating a sense of community that fosters loyalty and engagement.  (Like everything, there’s a dark side here, too whomp whomp- but today, we are talking about how important building a loyal fan base is to marketing a business.)

The power of social media allows fans around the world and Swiftie's voices to be heard directly by Taylor herself. She regularly interacts with fans through Twitter and Instagram, responding to messages or resharing photos to her stories. She provides personal updates about upcoming projects or events sometimes in “Swiftie” code- this level of accessibility creates an intimate bond between artist/fan relationships contributing positively towards brand affinity. This power dynamic shift from celebrities being very much out-of-reach figures toward one who could interact with you enables more inclusive conversations about identity & relationship dynamics, building a connected community that will help market for you.

 Examining How Effective Engagement and Interaction Have Helped Shape Popularity Among Fans

Effective engagement and interaction with fans in marketing can make or break a brand. One of my favorite brands for customer service is Nordstrom because they have effectively translated their stellar in-store customer service practices to all of their social platforms. The community and connections that “Swifties” share virtually on Discord or through hashtags translates the same in real life. Taylor and her team have mastered this because when you attend a concert, the worldwide commodore that exists virtually is 10x more powerful in person- everyone is kind to one another, there are Swifties of every age, ethnicity, and socio economic background, and whether they know it or not, they each hold space to allow you to be free to express yourself in whatever era of your life.

A translation from digital to in person like this for a brand can only be achieved by actively encouraging UGC through various campaigns such as hashtag challenges or contests, where Swift empowers her fans to become active participants in shaping her brand image. This gives them a sense of ownership and allows for organic promotion as they eagerly share their creations on social media platforms.

The effectiveness of this strategy lies in its ability to create an emotional bond between Taylor Swift's music and the experiences shared by her fans. By engaging directly with them through digital channels, she humanizes herself while simultaneously making each fan feel heard and valued.

Additionally, this form of engagement helps Taylor Swift stay relevant within popular culture conversations. By leveraging and sharing UGC trends created by passionate fans who are deeply invested in promoting their favorite artist's work online – she successfully generates buzz about upcoming releases or events before they even happen! 

The way that Swifties look for hints and clues of future releases and collaborations in songs, videos, and the clothing Taylor wears begins a thread of a conversation online which gets the fan/customer base invested early on, maybe even a project is still only in the idea phase.

From a business perspective looking into utilizing similar strategies for their marketing efforts – it becomes clear just how powerful effective engagement can be when done right- this is the one aspect of social media that most businesses are missing out on today. The connected engagement piece builds trust and commodore.  For example, let’s look at the friendship bracelet trend that has begun at the Eras Tour concerts- like most things Swifties attach themselves to, this trend has its origins in Taylor’s own words, the lyrics of You’re on Your Own, Kid” from Midnights.

Did she know that a lyric would create a trend that brings and sparks conversations between Swifties of all ages together while waiting in her hour long merch line or for her to come on stage? Only her and her team know that one.

 But this is only one example of what the millions of dedicated and engaged community of "Swifties" Taylor Swift has created that supports her and actively promotes her work. When you’re out and about and see people wearing summer camp-looking bracelets, I bet you will now think of Taylor Swift- and you can thank a Swiftie for that brand recognition.

There is no denying that being part of Taylor Swift's fandom offers many benefits, especially when snagging a ticket to one of her concerts.

Become a Taylor Verified Fan on Ticketmaster- before tickets go on sale for the next tour <winky face>

Swifties are known for going above and beyond to support their favorite artist – attending concerts multiple times during one tour cycle or purchasing limited edition merchandise without hesitation. Businesses that align themselves with Taylor Swift's brand can tap into this fervor by offering exclusive collaborations or promotions tailored specifically towards these dedicated consumers.

By encouraging Swifties to generate content related to her music or branded merchandise through contests or challenges on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, Taylor Swift has cultivated immense brand loyalty while also driving sales growth. But the way that she does this isn’t sleazy or desperate because her base has been engaged from the get go because she’s also been engaging with her base! I’ve watched and been a part of plenty of businesses’ attempts to pull this off, and the key to pulling this strategy off effectively is, to BEGIN with an engaged customer base on social.

And the key to building the base is you guessed it- the authentic engagement and social proof of getting your fans to create User Generated Content.

So the next time you struggle with what content to create- look to your tags and mentions. Because good marketing means that others are talking about you for you, and sharing some of their posts, even if they are “off-brand” visually even if it's just a roundup. 

It's time to begin building your following of "Swifties"- what will yours say about you?

How To Make Your Social Media Accessible For The Deaf Community

How To Make Your Social Media Accessible For The Deaf Community

If you aren't captioning your stories or videos, you're probably leaving money in the scroll.

I don’t know about you, but I do not know too many people whose phone volume is turned up when watching Instagram stories.  One of my favorite things to do is sit places and watch how other people consume social media. Observing helps me understand how people interact with the platforms and allows me to alter posts for the demographics I am targeting on behalf of clients.

For example, during lunchtime, I notice single people eating their lunches but scrolling Instagram stories without sound. You are getting tapped on by if you are talking during your Instagram stories and not captioning them.  If people do not have their earbuds, most likely they do not have the sound on. They will not be that person sitting by themselves with their phones sounds up for all the cafe to hear what it is precisely they are listening to; Especially when they aren’t sure what the account will be saying.

I have observed when people are out in public and scrolling while they are waiting for a table, picking up an order, or whatever else they could be waiting for, they will not turn up the volume just to listen to your story. They also are even less likely to go back and find your account to watch when they are in the comfort of their home. If you had the captions turned on, they would watch and read them, but you are getting tapped to the next without captions. 

Another reason to caption your stories and videos is that not everyone in the world can hear. Making your social posts accessible to all communities is an excellent way to show that your brand supports inclusivity when you caption your posts. This deaf community uses screen readers to correct the words and context of your videos because the screen readers pick up the words in the captions. 

Federal laws require closed captioning — or subtitles you can turn on and off — to be offered on broadcast television, including on live programming. But those laws, like so many others, were crafted before social media exploded and have not been extended in most cases to the user-dominated Internet. 2020 favorite and gaining in marketing popularity Tik Tok doesn’t even offer a closed caption feature; you manually need to type your captions in if you decide to use them. 

There is plenty of caption creator software out there, and Instagram even offers a caption sticker within the app itself; which side pro-tip, watch your videos back and read through the captions to see how accurate they are at translating your words. 

Hard of hearing or deaf social media users are part of the human condition, please consider them and the visually impaired community when creating video content. 

Is Blogging For Your Business Dead?


In a meeting a few weeks ago, a client of mine asked if blogging was dead? While I understand why it might be perceived that blogging is dead. Especially since we live in a world where a person would choose to watch a video to learn or connect with someone instead of reading a post.  The world of blogging is most certainly not dead, at least from an SEO standpoint. 

Blogging as much of a pain in the ass that is is, helps Google understand that you are a current website. A regular blog schedule helps keep your SEO up to date,  and the more that you blog, the more that Google will continue to feed your content to the top of people's searches. 

The other day I posted a survey on my Instagram stories asking an audience if they thought that blogging was dead.  And the response I got was pretty eyeopening. 44% of the audience I surveyed said that Yes, they felt that blogging was dead while 56% of the audience noted that No blogging is not dead.   


I have been working with a photographer client who when we first started working together wasn't completely sold on the idea of blogging.  She has two young children, a blossoming photography career and didn't have the time to devote to sitting down and adequately blogging her sessions for future clients to see. 

We had a one-hour session together, working on a blog about an elopement that she shot on top of Haleakala.  After being live for 72 hours, that blog post was the first item in a Google search for anything related to having a wedding or an elopement on Haleakala in Maui. Her inbox started blowing up with inquiries for booking her for their Maui nuptials. 

During our coaching session, while we talked about goals, one of her biggest goals was to shoot more weddings and elopements in Hawaii. With the goal in mind, we tailored the SEO on that post to get her in front of more couples looking for a photographer for their Hawaiian weddings.  

We also worked some SEO magic on other venues that she would love to shoot at more and low and behold her inbox is getting requests from couples who are hosting their nuptials at the sites she wants to shoot at all because she is now making blogging those sessions a priority in her digital marketing plan. 

While you might be one of the people, who think that blogging is dead, perhaps because you, yourself are not reading blogs. Remember that when it comes to your digital marketing, you are not your target audience. Blogging even twice a month will help keep your SEO fresh and clean to the Google machines, which will put your website in front of your target searchers.

Five Ways To Successfully Instagram Story For Your Business


During one of my latest speed marketing sessions, we were chatting about Instagram Story Highlights and how some stuff is better left off of them. If you’ve met with me or heard me talk you already know that your Instagram Highlight buttons should be where you put work that you would want on a portfolio or that you want to live permanently in your feed.  

You’ve also heard me say that your Instagram Stories should also showcase a more personal version of your business, highlighting the person and people involved in doing the business. The stories should give a behind the scenes of the person that is engaged in the business for 24 hours.  

Stories could include slides of your dog, cat, kiddos, camping trip, etc. However, these slides should not necessarily make a permanent home on your highlight reel if they do not have anything to do with what your actual business is. The more candid stories that relate to your business should live in your highlight reel if you love them and fit into the themes of one of your bubbles.

I’ve flipped my way of storying and started thinking of Instagram stories as “trailers” to grab the attention of the viewers to click your name and check out your entire feed. Since I started experimenting with this method on my feed, and a few clients, feed their stories, views, and profile visits have skyrocketed. It’s insane, stories that used to get 20 pictures or so have quadrupled! I’ve been testing this on my feed for 30 days, and while my likes and engagement are down, my website, clicks have quadrupled as well.  

A few simple ways to create a “trailer” for your feed:

  1. Make use of the quiz, survey, and question stickers.

  • Erase the “Ask Me A Question” statement on the question sticker and ask your audience a question you want their answer to. 

  • The survey sticker is a great way to do a market research of your target. A few times, I did a survey asking if people would prefer speed marketing during happy hour and the response was overwhelming that they did. Therefore, I’m going to try a few sessions during the happy hour. 

  • The quiz sticker is a cool interactive sticker to see who in your audience is paying attention to what you are putting out there and an excellent way for your audience to get to know you better and for you to be more personable. 

2. Don’t always be trying to sell and talk about your business. Show what your life looks like, messy desk, no makeup and all. You also want to show who people are going to get in real life when they sign up to meet with you.

3. Make sure that your highlight bubbles are categorized including services that you offer, reviews, and any other page that is also on your website. 

4. If you are selling products and have them in your feed, shoot those posts also to your stories. 

5. Try to keep up to 4- 6 slides on your story in a 24-hour time frame. Any more than that and people are going to swipe away from your account. This is extremely important if you are doing a video story. Please be conscious that you are saying everything you want and getting to the point in ONE story slide. If your video goes for multiple slides, you’re going to get swept next. Longer video can most definitely live on your IGTV channel. 

The story neighborhood seems to be the hip place to hang out these days. If you are not storying, consider giving it a try, and if you need help with ideas sign up for one of the Speed Marketing Sessions. 

Why Your Product or Service Needs To Be Blogging


This one goes out with the intent to all of the product and service sellers out there. You really do need to start a blog and maintain writing on that blog! I know I know this sounds like a complete hassle for two big reasons:

  1. I know that you do not have the time.

  2. You have no idea what parts of your products or business to write and share.

Here’s the thing; blogging helps your audience connect with you differently. Sharing your stories will help them relate to you and develop a different level of a relationship than you have on social media. Not only does blogging mean that your audience feels a connection with you it also means that Google loves you because you are showing the Google algorithm that you are a current website and this, in turn, helps boost your SEO and ranking.

As a product seller and any business, you need to have the mindset that the purpose of your content marketing strategy is building that “know, like, and trust factor” because the more ways you are pumping content out there that content is working for you to turn into a connection and connection turns into currency.

We all want to sell all of the things right away off of our website, but in the times that we are in, we have to work harder because chances are there are more people out there offering the same thing that we have to offer.  We need to set ourselves apart, with the goal of getting these potential customers to subscribe to your email list or directing them to another platform that you would like them to learn more about you and follow you. The road to the intent to buy or book can be painfully long these days, and the only way to shorten the distance between marketing to the point where a wallet comes out is to build an actual relationship.

Now you’re thinking, “But I’m already using social media as a sort of microblog for my products and services.” To this, I say fantastic, however, using social media as a blog for your business is handing over the rights of your content to social media and it’s not doing any SEO favors to the website which customers can buy or book you from. Blogging on your platform provides an SEO boost to your site, while also providing value to your audience. Building and focusing your core content out via Instagram or any other social media source is not going to offer that same or any return on the time investment. Look at Instagram or any other social platform as creating a lead for your audience to connect with you another way. Work on creating lead generating content there that triggers a response from a user to click your website to learn more about you and your products.  By having current blog posts on your site that your audience can stumble upon and read is going to help you create a connection which will in time lead to the exchange of currency.

Having your content on your site also helps when people are searching for you on Google. Having your content current and living someplace on the internet gives your SEO a massive boost, which will cultivate long term growth because your content isn’t on a death march to die in an algorithm 72 hours after you post it.

So how do you do it?

Blogging today is much different than it was when it first came out.  In its popularity, which btw lead to influencer marketing, we used to sit in front of our computers with our cups of coffee and read the latest post on whatever lifestyle blogger we were following. Much like how the generations before us would sit at the kitchen table and read the morning paper over their coffee or breakfast.  While both these ways of consuming content are pretty much extinct writing and maintaining a blog puts searchable words to what you do out onto the world wide web. These words are what your target is searching for and the key to getting your target of potential customers to find you and learn more about you.

In a world where consumers being fed content every day, you will need to be more strategic, creative and mindful about how and what you are blogging. The goal here again is to thoughtfully gain the attention of your target market and convert them to your email list, to speak directly to them, earn their trust and eventually have them make a purchase. Some ideas on what to actually write include: talking about yourself, how you got started, educate them on a part of your business, talk about what you are currently working on or what is inspiring you.

Stop stressing, you do not need to be blogging every day, because that is craziness and I know that you do not need one more marketing thing to add into your daily mix. You could start with a few basic posts that are full of crucial relevant search words for your product and continue to post twice a month or even a monthly post about new products, services or what you have been up to.

Remember, whatever content you are putting out there, it creates a connection that will eventually create currency.  Content creation doesn't have to be hard, but it's just going to be time-consuming. The overall goal of your content should be getting eyes on your products and offerings enhancing your site's SEO and triggering your target to signup for your email list so you can connect and talk directly with them, if they happen to purchase at first look then that’s even more amazing!

If you need help with this, I offer one-on-one coaching sessions as well as a FREE monthly 20-minute speed session where you can ask me anything related to your business's content marketing plan and management.